Partner Toolkit

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Our logo is a vital part of our brand identity. It not only helps us build brand recognition with consumers, but also ensures that all our output is consistent across every touchpoint.

Our blue logotype is our preferred logo choice, and should be used wherever possible to aid brand recognition.

Primary Logo

Our blue logotype is our preferred logo choice, and should be used wherever possible to aid brand recognition.

EO Logo Blue - Notion.png

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Downloads




Secondary Marks

There will however be instances where our blue logotype doesn’t work with the design, such as when placed on top of an image or a coloured background. When this is the case, we should use our logotype in white.

Our logotype is also available in black and we should use this logo whenever the logo is going to be printed internally. This is as a result of our electric blue being very hard to replicate in print.

EO Logo White - Notion.png

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Downloads



EO Logo Black - Notion.png

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Downloads




Colour is an important part of our brand identity and plays a vital role in helping us build an identifiable brand.

Our primary palette consists of three colours; EO Electric Blue, Black and White. But it’s EO Blue that is our signature colour, the one that sets us apart from the competition and grabs the attention.

To ensure consistency and to aid brand recognition as we continue to grow, we should stick to our primary palette for all communications.

EO Blue.png

EO Electric Blue


58, 86, 255

78, 66, 0, 0

2728 C

EO Black.png



0, 0, 0

0, 0, 0, 100

PMS Black C

EO White.png



255, 255, 255

0, 0, 0, 0